
Last updated: August 28, 2019 at 3:44:54 PM EDT
Version 1.7

After launching Hue Cycle for the first time, you will receive various prompts that include a request for permission to use your device’s camera. After authorizing permission, a live feed of the camera’s output affected by the selected filter will display on screen, along with various buttons and controls.

The following image shows descriptions for the main features on this screen, which can be used as guide:

Capturing photos and videos

This image demonstrates that the app is currently ready to capture a photo indicated by the large photo button centered on the screen. Tapping the video button will swap positions with the photo button, which will make the app ready to capture video. Tapping whichever most-centered button will capture its corresponding media type.

Selecting filters

The image illustrates that the Prime filter is currently chosen from the filter selection. To choose a filter, swipe left or right over the filter selection area. Some filters indicate that you can change its gradient direction by swiping up, down, left or right over the screen.

Importing from the Photo Library

If you would like to apply a filter effect from a photo on your camera roll, start by first choosing a filter, and applying the desired gradient direction, if applicable. Tap the Photo Library button and choose a photo.

Settings screen

Tapping the Settings screen will bring up options to change global settings across the app:

“Add Hue Cycle logo” - This a purchasable option that removes the Hue Cycle logo on the filter preview and capture.

“Photo video repeats” - This is how many times the Hue Cycle effect loops after capturing a photo and saving it as a video. This will alter the duration of the video.

“Record mic input” - Enable if you would like to record audio while capturing video.

“GIF quality” - This is the quality setting when you export a GIF after you capture a photo.

“Enhance Color” - This affects the vividness and contrast of images being captured by the camera or when importing from your photo library. If you would like to capture or import with the vividness and contrast unaffected, you can turn this setting off.

Switch camera

Tapping this button will toggle either the back or forward-facing (selfie) camera. While previewing the forward-facing camera effect, the image will appear mirrored for easier capture, and then will revert back to normal after it is captured.

Enable/disable flash

Tapping the Flash on/off button will either disable or enable the flash while capturing, indicated by the button’s graphic. Enabling the flash while the app is ready to capture video, the flash will be in “torch” mode and will continuously stay on until the video is done capturing or until you disable the flash. Note that this allows you to enable and disable the flash from staying on while you are capturing a video.

Managing your captured photo or video

After capturing a photo or video, the screen displays a preview of what you’ve captured, along with various options for saving and sharing.

The following screenshot shows 3 options for saving after capturing a photo that are not present after capturing a video: Still, Video and GIF. After making a selection, you can tap the Save or More button to save or share the corresponding format.

“Still” - When selected, an area with tick marks and a flashing bar appears that allows you to choose a particular still with a different color effect applied to it. To choose, press and hold on the bar and move it left or right. The image will update to indicate which color effect is currently applied.

“Video” - When selected, a video version of the photo you captured will be shown cycling through colors.

“GIF” - When selected, the app will be ready to save an animated GIF version of the photo you captured. However, this will not show a preview of the GIF, and will show the video playback instead. A GIF will be created upon saving or sharing.

Return to capture screen

To return to capturing photos and videos, tap the Back button in the upper left corner of the screen.

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